Thursday 30 April 2020

Matariki Reflection.

Before I say my reflection I will tell you about Matariki.

Matariki is the Maori name for "cluster of stars" in English. Matariki means the eyes of the gods or little eyes. The Matariki was also used for transport to look for the way to go in the dark at night. in traditional times Matariki was also a time to celebrate.

Now, this is my reflection of the past year.

1 thing I've learned about my pug is to never get in his way when he is barking at people I was outside playing with him someone walked past I think he was trying to run through my legs and ended up running into my legs and tripping me up and making me fall flat onto the ground.

This year I've really been getting more into basketball but due to COVID-19, we can't go to the rec center to practice basketball so I've been practicing my drilling at my house because our basketball hoop broke because of me.

That's really the only thing that's been interesting this 12 months at my house because of lockdown it's been really boring the only new thing is I got a hair cut from my aunt.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Harley,
    Well done for starting your reflection by introducing Matariki. Do you know why reflecting on your year is relevant to Matariki? It would be good to see you dig deeper when thinking about the past year. What lessons have you learnt? How have you developed as a person? Any highs and lows? Etc. I would love to see you develop and extend this piece of writing Harley.
    Mrs Gibson


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.