Friday 27 August 2021

Caramel Cake pudding

 Last night I made some pudding after dinner for my family and I choose to make one of my favourites which were caramel cake pudding and it was pretty easy to make apart from the mixing part because it'd get harder and harder the more I mixed but in the end, it tasted good (Top photo is when we cooked it and bottom is before we cooked it)

Friday 13 August 2021

Cheetos Ad.


For a topic, we did stuff on ads like how they get your attention and how they work and how the colours work. I made one on Cheetos because It felt easier to do than another ad, I also made a gun safety ad.

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Buzz Quiz - Careers


For our t-shaped literacy we made a video describing if the Quiz we've done is accurate or not I don't really think it is because when I did it, it said jobs I wasn't interested in So I don't really think its that accurate.

Wednesday 23 June 2021

Great Walks NZ


Today we write about the 10 great walks in NZ and this is what I made It was fun to make and learn about the great walks because I have never heard of them before so I learnt a lot from this.

Thursday 10 June 2021

Leaf art

We made some leaf art to represent us for me I did some on the flags of the countries I'm part of and at the bottom i added the other things like basketball and gaming because I really enjoy both of those.


Reading - Jackdaw

for our reading, we did a jackdaw for all our information once we finished everything else and this picture is my one it's about the boy in the striped pyjamas we write the characters, the setting, theme, plot and moral. It was fun and easy to make and I liked drawing


Monday 31 May 2021

Dixon House writing.


Dixon House home for old people right next to a park it’s normally where old people go when they can’t do things for themselves so they go there to get help with doing things. On Tuesday we went to the Dixon house to go read some books and chat with the old people because we were invited to go with the polytech because it was national read a story month, we took a bus to get there and we had to walk a tiny bit to get to the house the people from the polytech brung baking and mini chocolate bars for us and the old people to eat because after a while of reading and chatting we ate I had some lolly cake and chocolate because there my favourite some of the people we read to couldn’t hear that good or couldn’t see that good so it made it hard for them to hear us reading. How it made you feel? At the start when we first went there I didn’t really feel that comfortable because I didn’t know anyone there but after we started reading to them I started to get more comfortable around them and started reading to more and more every time which made me more comfortable with the people around me that I was reading to. What did you enjoy the most? Meeting the old people and getting along with them one of them also said I spoke very clearly and was a very good reader which was a nice compliment for me because I thought I wasn’t that clear when I read stuff to other people. The food they made was also very nice to eat and i enjoyed it What did you learn from it? I learnt that one person I read to they learnt how to tell if someone can talk nicely and read clearly to other people which is a pretty cool skill to have to tell if people are clear and good at speaking to other people around you