Thursday 23 April 2020

Daily Connection Question - Thursday

Today's Question: What's the most creative thing you've done?

Making a fort for a nerf war with suit case's. That's all really.


  1. Hi Harley, Could you elaborate on that fort. It sounds interesting but I have no idea what nerf war is about. How were you being creative with making the fort? Remember to think about the people who do not play online games Harley (like me and many others out there) who have no understanding, so you need to make sure you have all the information.
    Mrs Read

  2. Hi Harley, Suitcases are an interesting thing to make a fort out of. Could you explain a bit more? How many suitcases? what size were they? Maybe draw a picture of the finished fort. Nice start to your writing, maybe next time add a bit more information to get the reader interested. Sharron


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.